Gajendra Yadav Residence, New Delhi

ELEVATION | Image © Spaces Architects@ka

Architectural Group: SPACES ARCHITECTS@ka, New Delhi
Architects/Designers Name: Kapil Aggarwal, Chander Kaushik, Pawan Sharma
Client: Mr. Gajendra Yadav
Project Location: 
New Delhi – India
Project Year (Completion): 
Project Area: 2700 sq. ft.
Built up Area: 
7000 sq. ft.
Project Type: 
Image Courtesy: 
Bharat Aggarwal

ELEVATION | Image © Spaces Architects@ka

[dropcap style=”flat”]T[/dropcap]he house is primarily designed on a plot area of 300 sq. yard as an inward looking house with use of water bodies & terrace gardens. The ground floor has drawing, dinning and family lounge and guest bedroom whereas the first floor has 2 kid’s room and master bedroom, the second floor has a guest bedroom, spa and gym with terrace garden, the basement houses home theatre, lounge and an office space which has a separate entrance from front and an internal staircase connected from ground floor lobby.

ELEVATION-DETAIL | Image © Spaces Architects@ka

The house concept in kept as modern with use of modern material and straight line, a lot of emphasis in given on detailing. The scale of building is kept small with the second floor room kept at rear front being used as treasure garden.

VIEW-FROM-ENTRANCE-LOBBY | Image © Spaces Architects@ka

The entrance lobby leads to lobby space which has a dining at one side which opens at the terrace level giving ample light into the interior space through sky light.

WATERBODY | Image © Spaces Architects@ka

Also the drawing room is kept in front overlooking the lawn in front. On the side is a water body which is in axis to the drawing room and dining room. The water body becomes the focal area of the ground floor. The lighting at night enhances the space creating an experience.

DRAWING-ROOM | Image © Spaces Architects@ka

A dark and white stone has been laser cut inserted to create sitting Buddha image with water falling through it. Also ceramic birds are hanged from the ceiling highlighted by the lights.

VIEW-FROM-DINNING-ROOM | Image © Spaces Architects@ka

Lot of detailing is done on the ceiling with hexagon teak panels or leather cladded ceiling in the lobby. The wall treatment is also a highlight, the triple height dining wall has cement paint finish with lower part cladded with satvario stone with abstract shape steel panels.

TRIPLE-HEIGHT-VIEW | Image © Spaces Architects@ka

A Husain painting of 12’x9’ is placed on the second floor which can be viewed partially from ground and first floor and views it as one climbs second floor. An intention has been done to connect all the three floors internally with study of sun path allowing maximum light in the interior space.

STAIRCASE | Image © Spaces Architects@ka

Also Indian stone has been experimented a lot by using it on the staircase wall with combination of sand blasted Jurassic gold and khareda stone.

SON'S-ROOM | Image © Spaces Architects@ka DAUGHTER-BEDROOM | Image © Spaces Architects@ka

The kid’s room on the first floor has a concept of pink and blue respectively.

GUEST-BEDROOM-SECOND-FLOOR | Image © Spaces Architects@ka

The second floor has a guest bedroom designed as a white space co-coordinating with the furniture, a spa, steam and sauna placed on the second floor accessed from the gym and the bedroom.

TERRACE-SECOND-FLOOR | Image © Spaces Architects@ka

The front has a terrace garden with mood lighting creating an ambience in the evening.

HOME-THEATRE-BASEMENT | Image © Spaces Architects@ka

The basement which leads from lobby on the ground floor through a glass staircase has a lounge space with leather and mirror cladding on the wall. 10 ft. high sliding doors separate the home theatre. The ceiling has multiple leatherette panels and jail cut ceiling creating an interesting light effect.

SECOND-FLOOR-LOBBY | Image © Spaces Architects@kaFAMILY-LOUNGE-GROUND-FLOOR | Image © Spaces Architects@kaFIRST-FLOOR-LOBBY | Image © Spaces Architects@kaVIEW-FROM-FIRST-FLOOR-LOBBY | Image © Spaces Architects@kaVIEW-FROM-FIRST-FLOOR-LOBBY | Image © Spaces Architects@ka






GROUND-FLOOR-PLAN | Image © Spaces Architects@kaFIRST-FLOOR-PLAN | Image © Spaces Architects@kaSECOND-FLOOR-PLAN | Image © Spaces Architects@kaTERRACE-FLOOR-PLAN | Image © Spaces Architects@ka





Awards/Recognition: Published in Better Interiors


[author][author_image][/author_image] [author_info]SPACES ARCHITECTS@ka, an international award winning architectural firm, established with a vision of creating sensible, functional spaces enhanced by the intangible sense of emotion, of power, of playfulness. [/author_info] [/author]