Raffles University, Greater NOIDA


RU[7] | Image © NMP Design

Architectural Group: NMP Design
Landscape Architects/Partners: Minesh Parikh & Nandita Parikh
Project Location: Greater NOIDA (India)
Project Type: Institutional
Image Copyright/Courtesy: NMP Design

[dropcap]R[/dropcap]affles University is located about 3 km from Pari chowk, Greater Noida. This Campus is an offshoot of the Raffles University at Singapore and offers engineering, fashion design and management course at Undergraduate level. The architecture of the university is very stylish and contemporary. The major challenge in designing the landscape was to respond pro-actively to the architectural character. The Landscape design manages to do so in a very successful manner.

RU[8] | Image © NMP Design

The master plan comprises of an academic building and a hostel block and network of walkways which connect the two. Different kinds of sports facilities happen along these walkways.

RU[15] | Image © NMP DesignRU[6] | Image © NMP DesignRU[3] | Image © NMP Design

The architecture of the campus  buildings makes use of the basement for a variety of recreational usages. It is referred to as “The Underbelly”.  The landscape works in harmony with architecture. It celebrates the process of grade change for access to basement. An overflowing water body in the courtyard generates sound of water which echoes in the enclosed space and animates it. The planting is lush and dense. The hardscape is very stylish in response to architecture.


RU[4] | Image © NMP Design


The landscape at Raffles University provides spaces for informal togethers, contemplation, recreation and enhances the visual qualities of the environment.

RU[5] | Image © NMP Design

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(Nandita and Minesh Parikh are Landscape Architects based in New Delhi. They run a Landscape Design consultancy NMP DESIGN and also teach at The Dept. Of Landscape Architecture, SPA.)