Another great opportunity. APR’s next award World Architecture & Design Awards 2019 is open for Registration. Participate Now.
‘Architecture Press Release (APR)’ has been concluded. Some of the prestigious firms around the world have been the winner in UDAD 2018 such as AREP – An international Group, &Rundquist, bauchplan, Marcy Wong Donn Logan Architects, Noontide Design.LTD, Projekt Plus Architekci, Hernández Silva Arquitectos, Valdemar Coutinho Arquitectos, Griffin Enright Architects, GRUPO ARKHOS, HADVD ARQUITECTOS, markharris ARCHITECTS. PC, Fahed + Architects, AMA Andreas Mede Architect, Sara Design Studio, Kamermans Architects Ltd, M.Yamagishi Atelier, Raulino Silva Architect and many more. Hereby, we welcome you to publish details about the awards, and the works of the winners of the Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards 2018, etc.
Congratulations to all the Winners!
PUNK Alternative Music Venue by markharris ARCHITECTS. PC
First Award | Category: Commercial
Architects: mark harris
Studio Name: markharris ARCHITECTS. PC
Team Members: Mark Harris-Principal, Richard Mapes
Country: United States
Website: www.mharrisarchitects.com
PUNK Alternative Music Venue (located in re-purposed roof-top water tower), Los Angeles, Downtown Arts District, USA Polemic: The idea of habitable space within the confines of an abandoned roof-top water tower brings to……
Uber Advanced Technologies Group R&D Center by Marcy Wong Donn Logan Architects
First Award | Category: Corporate Interior
Architects: Marcy Wong
Studio Name: Marcy Wong Donn Logan Architects
Team Members: Marcy Wong, Kent Royle, Ketki Shah
Country: United States
Website: www.wonglogan.com
Uber Advanced Technology Group is a self-driving technologies engineering team whose R&D Center is housed within historic Pier 70…..
Eastern Sierra Inter-Agency Visitor Center by Marcy Wong Donn Logan Architects
First Award | Category: Cultural
Architects: Marcy Wong
Studio Name: Marcy Wong Donn Logan Architects
Team Members: Marcy Wong, Donn Logan, Kent Royle
Country: United States
Website: www.wonglogan.com
Located at the foot of Mt. Whitney, the 6,500 S.F. Visitor Center project on twelve acres is located in a spectacular valley bounded by the Inyo Mountains to the east and the Eastern Sierra Nevada to the west…..
MiniHouse Hotel by AMA Andreas Mede Architect
First Award | Category: Hospitality
Architects: Andreas Mede
Studio Name: AMA Andreas Mede Architect
Country: United States
Website: www.am-a.net
On a site of a former ranch, 3 cabins are proposed to provide first-class accommodation to allow guests a direct private experience, further cabins are planned for the future…..
Remuera House by Kamermans Architects Ltd
First Award | Category: House Design
Architects: Frans Kamermans
Studio Name: Kamermans Architects Ltd
Country: New Zealand
Website: www.kamermans.co.nz
The house is located on an ‘infill site’ in the city fringe suburb Remuera in Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city, with a latitude of 36.8° (comparable to Malaga in Europe)……
Kura House By M.Yamagishi Atelier
First Award | Category: Households
Architects: Mitsunobu Yamagishi
Studio Name: M.Yamagishi Atelier
Country: JAPAN
“House of KURA” aims to create a new space and architecture by preserving the Japanese architecture history and culture that still exists around the house area.
Touguinhó III House by Raulino Silva Architect
First Award | Category: Housing
Architects: Raulino Silva
Studio Name: Raulino Silva Architect
Country: Portugal
On the site that was being used as a planting field, we found the typical granite walls, a stone pit, some fruit trees and bushes. ….
FEMAP Nursing School by GRUPO ARKHOS
First Award | Category: Institutional Building
Country: Mexico
Website: www.grupoarkhos.com
Juarez, Mexico, resiliency is what best describes this city, bridging North and Latin America, a city of migrants and hardworking people, where resources are scarce, and the environment is harsh……
XIANG SONG by Noontide Design.LTD
First Award | Category: Interior Design
Architects: Frank Fei, Michael Choi
Studio Name: Noontide Design.LTD
Team Members: Li Ma, Hongqiang Zhang, Shaoxin Wei, Longfeng Zhou, Shuai Li, Qingtao Gu, Tiantian Xu, Zhiwei Zhou
Country: China
In order to build a scene of harvest during the fall, this restaurant allows you to find the straw facade which was made by aluminium, also set the gathered straw blocks to surround the tables and chairs….
Coordenada by HADVD Arquitectos
First Award | Category: Office Building
Architects: Carlos Villegas Duarte
Studio Name: HADVD Arquitectos
Team Members: Carlos Villegas Duarte, Hugo Amparan de León
Country: Mexico
Website: www.had-vd.com
The stone constructions of Quinta de Vilar, then denominated, go back to the middle ’40s and the beginning of the ’50s. ……
Thaxton And Associates Office And Retail Building by Griffin Enright Architects
First Award | Category: Mixed Use
Architects: Margaret Griffin
Studio: Griffin Enright Architects
Team Members: Margaret Griffin, John Enright, Eli Arkin, Nanao Shimizu, Steven Katz, Daniel Berdichevski, Jia Zhou Zhu
Country: United States
Website: www.griffinenrightarchitects.com
This office building, a renovation to an owner-occupied building, engage the community with a dynamic street presence….
Parasol by AMA Andreas Mede Architect
First Award | Category: Landscape Design
Architects: Andreas Mede
Studio: AMA Andreas Mede Architect
Country: United States
Website: www.am-a.net
Location: Siqian China
“Parasol” is an open sculptural pavilion which generates power with its coloured semi-transparent photo-voltaic roof structure; inspired by the traditional Chinese parasol and the nearby Na’Tian flower farm.
5 ELEMENTS by Projekt Plus Architekci
First Award | Category: Product Designs Elements
Architects: Tomasz Borkowski
Studio: Projekt Plus Architekci
Team Members: arch.Tomasz Borkowski, arch.Grzegorz Tkacz, art designer Anna Borkowska
Country: Poland
A quote from News: “Western culture has raced ahead, conveniently forgetting the fundamental principles of life and all to eager to strip our planet of it’s resources to gain apparent wealth.……
XY: A SocioPolitical Interactive Retreat by Ayah Abu Al-Rub
First Award | Category: Public Building
Architects: Ayah Abu Al-Rub
Country: Jordan
Years of marginalization of a city has lead to sociopolitical chaos. Our democratic system is meaningless unless we are able to act in democratic ways that signal democracy:……
Ksg Home Studio By Hernández Silva Arquitectos
First Award | Category: Residential
Architects: Jorge Luis Hernandez Silva
Studio: Hernández Silva Arquitectos
Team Members: Ar. Jorge Luis Hernández Silva, Ar. Edgar Soltero, Ar. Fernanda Castiello, Ar. Karen Centeno, Ar. Pastora Camarena
Country: Mexico
The project departs from two main elements: the site and its users. The construction is located in an old colony inside Guadalajara where irregular landscapes among….
Nest by Sara Design Studio
First Award | Category: Residential Interior
Architects: Sara Ng
Studio: Sara Design Studio
Country: Malaysia
The configuration of Light and Lines accompanied by Text and Texture define the overall concept of the apartment…..
Atlantic Pavilion by Valdemar Coutinho Arquitectos
First Award | Category: Sports & Recreation
Architects: Valdemar Coutinho
Studio: Valdemar Coutinho Arquitectos
Team Members: Valdemar Coutinho, Civil Engineer: José Ferreira da Costa
Country: Portugal
The building is situated next to “Avenida do Atlântico” in Viana do Castelo. An avenue facing the sea, in which a series of buildings are constructed,…..
Lorient-Bretagne Sud Railway Station by AREP – An international Group
First Award | Category: Transportation
Architects: AREP
Studio: AREP – An international Group
Team Members: AREP and SNCF Gares & Connexions: Etienne Tricaud – Jean-Marie Duthilleul – François Bonnefille – Olivier Boissonnet
Country: France
Website: www.arepgroup.com
The Lorient multimodal hub is part of the “Bretagne à Grande Vitesse” project (“High-speed for Brittany”), a high-speed line which allows a three-hour total travel time……
New Mile Boeblingen by bauchplan ).(
First Award | Category: Urban Design
Architects: Tobias Baldauf
Studio: bauchplan ).(
Team Members: Tobias Baldauf, Marie-Theres Okresek, Florian Otto, Rupert Halbartschlager
Country: Germany
Initially conceived as a car-friendly city the open space has been transformed into a pedestrian zone and low traffic shopping area……
Dekanen District by &Rundquist
First Award | Category: Urban Design (Concept)
Architects: Henrik Rundquist
Studio: &Rundquist
Team Members: Henrik Rundquist, Lisa Sinclair, Matilde Kautsky
Country: Sweden
Dekanen is a district centrally positioned in the city of Malmö, in the proximity of the Triangeln train station and close to many different parts of the city.
Full Details: Urban Design & Architecture Design Awards 2018 – Second/Third Awards & Honorable Mention