Zingy Awards 2013


[dropcap]Z[/dropcap]ingy Awards is India’s first ever online award event in interior design and architecture. It would not just provide eternal glory and fame to the architects/designers, but also make them popular in the eyes of general public. The idea is to popularize those design professionals who have been working behind the scenes to build beautiful residential and commercial spaces. The idea is to popularize the sphere of interior design industry.

ZIngy HomesZingy Awards is presented by Zingy Homes, which would like to change the game by making rightful celebrities out of architects and interior designers, the wonderful people who design wonderful spaces for us to live and breathe in.

About 140 architects/designers from across India are participating in the event .

Award categories

  • Residential Interior Designer
  • Residential Architect
  • Commercial Interior Designer
  • Commercial Architect

International Jury Members
The Jury Members are themselves award winning architects with years of experience in interior design and architecture. More info on jury:http://www.zingyhomes.com/aboutthejury/

The event will be adjudged by International Jury (Critics Choice Awards) as well as Public voting (Popular choice Awards). So, there will be 8 winners in the end (2 each for all 4 of the above mentioned categories)

Public voting will close on 21st Nov’13 midnight.

[button link=”http://www.zingyhomes.com/find-architects/” type=”small” color=”blue” newwindow=”yes”] VOTE NOW[/button]



Award Announcement
The awards will be announced on 22nd Nov 2013 on Google Hangout. Here is the event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/219760344869385/

Check out the participants on www.zingyhomes.com/find-architects. The projects are listed in decreasing order of number of votes.