The Katran Collection

Katran Stork Chairs | Image © Sahil & Sarthak

Project Name: Katran Collection
Product Design Group: Sahil & Sarthak
Principal Designers: Sarthak Sengupta & Sahil Bagga
Project Type: 
Furniture Design
Image Courtesy: Sahil & Sarthak
Text: Sahil & Sarthak

[dropcap]K[/dropcap]atran Collection is a unique furniture design range by Sarthak Sahil Designs, New Delhi with the strong belief that  Ethic, Ethnic and Ecology can be interwoven with our contemporary lifestyle. This award winning product is an outcome of their ‘Zero Kilometer®’ Design philosophy.

The “Zero Kilometer®” Design concepts is born out of the belief that designing beautiful and functional products and projects should be combined with the efforts to involve and preserve local traditions and local craftsmanship specific to that locality.

Ethic | Image © Sahil & Sarthak Ethnic | Image © Sahil & SarthakEcology | Image © Sahil & Sarthak

Developed as part of the ‘Zero Kilometer Design’ concept, “The Katran Collection” has been our effort to weave ethics, ethnic and ecology with the contemporary culture. Katran in Hindi means small pieces of left over colourful cloth which is the by-product of cloth mills. These same cloth pieces are collected by farmers during their off seasons and spun into ropes and sold for the purpose of weaving traditional Indian day beds (Khatiyas).

Lunetta Lounger Chair-Folded | Image © Sahil & Sarthak
[quote style=”1″]Our effort has been to use this same vibrant material in an innovative way to create a collection of contemporary furniture and products that are sustainable and beautiful, having a high perceived value and a Glocal (Global + Local) appeal.[/quote]
Beetle Seat | Image © Sahil & Sarthak

The production of this chair is completely handmade and brought to life by the ethical interactions between various actors in the system, from the village to the city.

Katran Pelican Chair | Image © Sahil & Sarthak

The Katran Collection is available in various textures and colours which has been carefully catalogued by us and gives our customers the possibility to customize according to their taste and requirements.

athena chair blue | Image © Sahil & Sarthak Little Bo Peep | Image © Sahil & Sarthak Nuovo Puffer Seat | Image © Sahil & Sarthak







In fact none of the katran furniture are absolutely alike due to their innate diversity of colours and textures, making each of them exclusive pieces.

Katran Potli | Image © Sahil & Sarthak Potli | Image © Sahil & Sarthak

The Katran Collection has been published and showcased nationally and internationally.

Sarthak & Sahil
Sarthak Sengupta & Sahil Bagga

In 2011, Sahil & Sarthak were awarded the Elle Décor International Design Awards (Young Talent Category) for this collection and the collection was showcased at the Ambiente Fair, Frankfurt 2012. Pieces from this collection are currently being showcased at the Trienalle Design Museum Milan and will be a part of the India Now Exhibition at the Victoria & Albert Museum London.

Shell Lamps
Shell Lamps | Image © Sahil & Sarthak

Onion Table | Image © Sahil & Sarthak S-Table | Image © Sahil & Sarthak Tray Table | Image © Sahil & Sarthak






[author] [author_image][/author_image] [author_info]Sarthak Sahil Design Co was founded in 2009 by two young designers Sahil Bagga & Sarthak Sengupta, with the strong belief that  Ethic, Ethnic and Ecology can be interwoven with our contemporary lifestyle. Ever since, the studio has designed productsand interiors that are beautiful, functional and ASAP “As Sustainable As Possible”.[/author_info] [/author]