Verticality in modern residences, Jodhpur

By: Ravi & Nupur Architects, Jodhpur The idea was to create a grand abode with simple, comfortable & sumptuous living.The challenge was to design 15500 sqft on an area of 5400 sqft, which leads to the...

Weekend Home, Amalsad Village, Gujarat

By: d6thD design studio, Ahmedabad This weekend house has a distinct feel of familiarity – rootedness in local regional elements of design and decor. Right from the sloping roof to combat the heavy rainfall prevalent in...

Vishar Villa, Bengaluru

By: Collage Architecture Studio, Bengaluru Vishar Villa is a home for a family of four originally from Tamilnadu, who grew up in a typical courtyard house. The driving force behind the design of their new home...

Mixed Use Design Concepts by ITPI, Philippines

<b>By: Italpinas Euroasian Design and Eco-Development Corp. (ITPI), Philippines</b> Italpinas Euroasian Design and Eco-Development Corp. (ITPI) came up with the design for Coral City based on the study of corals, a self-organizing living system highly capable...
xii_collection-Karina Wiciak

The “XII” Collection by Karina Wiciak, Poland

By: Karina Wiciak, Poland The collection "XII" consist of 12 thematic interior designs, together with furniture and fittings, which in each part is interconnected, not only in terms of style, but also by name. Each subsequent...

How the world lives – By Homify

How do all the people in this world actually live?...